I’m sure you’ve heard about croissants and how delicious they are. But, what’s the difference between a croissant and a suprise? Well, here’s the answer: A croissant is made with yeast dough that has been rolled out into long strips (like pasta). The strips are then baked until golden brown before being filled with buttery goodness!
Croissant with butter

- 1 bread dough
- 200 g butter
- 1 bread dough
1. bread dough
- Bread dough
- Mix the ingredients together, until the dough is soft but not sticky. Knead it until smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes).
- Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size
2. softened butter
As you can see, softened butter is easier to work with than cold butter. It’s easier to spread and roll out, as well. Softened butter also has a higher melting point (around 85°C; 176°F), so it’s less likely to break down when heated in your oven or on the stovetop.
If you’re making croissants at home but want them just as good as those made by professionals in Paris’ finest bakeries, here’s what I recommend: After spreading your softened butter onto the surface of the dough using a pastry brush or cloth-covered spatula, use both hands—one holding each end of your rolling pin so that they don’t slide off—to apply pressure on top of each side of each triangle until they meet up at their center points.
This will help prevent cracks from forming later on down when we fold over our triangles into rounds!
3. bread dough
- Make the bread dough: In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Add water (about 1 cup per 1/4 cup of flour). Knead until smooth for about 3 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour or up to overnight.*
- Roll out dough to 1/2 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut into 4 equal rectangles using a round cookie cutter or drinking glass as template.* Brush each rectangle with melted butter; fold into triangles and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.* Bake at 375°F for 15 minutes or until golden brown on top.* Cool slightly before serving
The ingredients you need are: bread dough, softened butter and flour for dusting
The ingredients you need are: bread dough, softened butter and flour for dusting.
The first step in making a croissant is to make the dough. This can be done by hand or in a food processor. In this recipe I recommend using a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment as it will help keep everything nice and smooth without getting too sticky!
Once your dough has been made, break off some chunks of it and set them aside until later on when we’re going to add them back into our final product (the finished croissant).
So, you should have everything you need for this recipe. Now you can start baking!